Talley Oil Services

Talley Oil Inc. Road Maintenance Services Brochure

Chip Seal

The chip sealing treats the road surface to extend the life of your pavement. Usually performed on aging pavement, it is also used on new roads. There are many benefits to chip sealing, including

  • Reliable protection from traffic and weather
  • Treatment is applied quickly with little traffic disruption
  • Go to wrapp.org for further information
chip seal

Dust Control

Beside the obvious benefits of reducing pollution, other benefits of dust control include safer roads, improved visibility, contribution to meeting mandated air quality standards, and prevention from seasonal dust-related issues. Water conservation is also a big plus by eliminating or drastically reducing water truck usage.

Dust Control Truck

Asphalt Interlayers

Paving fabrics create a moisture barrier between older and newer layers of pavement and also slow down the reflective cracking process. The process can be installed on any surface from highways to your own driveway. Fabric installation is also less expensive than full lift asphalt overlay.
Fabric Installation


Reclamite is a pavement rejuvenator. It prolongs the life of the surface further delaying the need to re-construct the entire surface.


Pavement Preservation

The key to having long-lasting pavement surfaces is a consistent maintenance program. Here at Talley Oil we have a team of experts that can help tailor a maintenance program that is right for you wether that is a Fog seal every couple years or a chip seal every 4-5 years. Whatever you project is we can point you in the best direction to fit your needs and budget.

Fog Seal

Fog sealing is a process that seals open pores of new asphalt. A light coat of asphalt emulsion is spread over the chip seal. Fog seal reduces the amount of loose gravel, gives the road a smooth appearance, improves snow melting and the darkness of the fog seal allows for better visibility of road markings.

Prime Coat

A prime coat is applied to a granular base as the road is prepared for an asphalt surfacing and consists of a low viscosity asphalt. The prime coast binds lose material to the base and hardens the base surface. It also plugs capillary holes in the base surface and provides the adhesion agent needed between the base and the additional course.

Tack Coat

A Tack Coat ensures the integrity of the asphalt layers as it binds all the successive asphalt layers together to prevent layer separation. This is an essential process in the correct construction of a road.

The Superior Almond Hulling Site Project